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In today’s publishing world, Cordova is ranked as one of the leading academic books publishers of India. The first indigenous company to define, design and deliver technology supported textbooks with web based support, for indigenous schools, Cordova Publications, in the last nine years has touched more than 1.5 billion learners and educators across the globe. Indentified with high-quality school-level books, we at Cordova, propagate the objective of, ‘enjoy while you learn’. Our books, from K-12 have been written and designed with special focus on the latest pedagogical researches and findings, coupled with the most contemporary and proven approaches towards making learning joyful and long lasting. We pride ourselves on achieving appreciation, acclaim and acceptance from schools in India and abroad, within a very short span of time. This appreciation has served as a catalyst and motivated us to venture into higher level academic books. Cordova has also been actively involved in the in-service teacher training programmes by regularly organizing and hosting interactive workshops and seminars for effective education.